Here you learn how Leads page work.
On the backend for leads responsible leads module.
There you can find dto`s, entities, controller and service.
There are three entities responsible for functionality of the leads page: Leads entity
(the main one), Lead Status entity
, Lead Comments entity
, which is separate entity for the comment on the leads.
N.B. How they work read the docs in Businesses part of modules documentation.
Leads are in @ManyToOne
relations with Teams
, Lead Statuses
, @ManyToMany
with Businesses
. Leads have connections with Audit Logger Service
and it's entity from audit-logger module
. Also it have connection with File services
from files module
N.B. About them and how they work you can read the information in the relevant documentation modules.
If talking about lead statuses - then each team will have at minimum 4 default statuses for their leads. Maximum 12. It means that after the team was created - it will receive this 4 statuses. How to change and them you can read in App Settings module.
In Services you will find methods for:
Soft delete
Multi delete, restore, archive
Global search
Leads CRUD
Lead Status CRUD
Photo CRUD
Audit logs
Statistic (Dashboard page)
N.B. There is a separate module about Global Search.
You can easily navigate in this service just looking at "regions". Each region have their specific methods. For example:
This will means that next portion of code are responsive for lead statuses. Or
This for leads CRUD and search. And so on and so forth. Code example of method from statistic block:
Code example of lead status method:
Example above is responsible for applying 4 default lead statuses for the new team.
Go there and find all what you reading about!
Page file:
Components related only to leads page:
Other components:
On the page you will find:
Table with all the information about leads, selection, additional info row, sorting and filtering
Selector of active and archive leads
Leads search
Add lead button
Filters and other CRUD buttons which renders in certain conditions.
Pagination on the bottom of the page
Search, sorting and filtering results will appear in table. Pagination affects it also.
N.B. How this logic works, you can find a "findAll" and "search" method in backend part. There you can find queryBuilder and how it forms in different conditions.
N.B. Please notice that we use lodash library in frontend and throttling guards in backend. This will prevent too many requests to the server and keep it in safe from sudden fall off.
Take into account the fact we use Ant Design. How work certain things, please read their documents about their components. All works great on mobile devices too. In the main file you can find constants that control render in different breakpoint. i18n responsible for translation. How it work - see relevant documentation in module block.
Filters are the hardest part of the page. Especially in the frontend part. All because how AntD components renders and how they works with each other.
Lets start from the states:
This is the main state. It is used to form the query to the DB and the result of it we'll see later in the table. Next states is used to control the components work.
Last state controls table filters. filterOptions - controls the filters in separate filter components
This is search and pagination. In "fetchData" you will find how params forms the request to the server.
On the page you may notice that we have filters in different places, but it renders in certain conditions. Components are different from each other and we need to control them by those states, that's why we need them and they are so many. Some of them use AntD's Popover component, some Dropdown or Select (or our Custom Select). Why table filters and other desktop filter are different? It's because of how AntD components work today and this may be changed in the future. Desktop filters and mobile filters are different too. Mobile filters have drawer which pops up from the bottom up.
Each action in this page will check users permission. About them and how they work, please read related block of module.
Last updated