Features SentryThis page explains how to set up Sentry debugging tools
Create Sentry Project
Step 1: Create a New Project on Sentry
Go to Sentry and create new or log in to your account.
In your dashboard, select Projects > Create Project .
Choose NestJS as the platform.
Name your project, assign it to a team, and click Create Project .
After project creation, you’ll see a DSN (Data Source Name) key on the setup page. This DSN is essential for connecting your NestJS app to Sentry.
Copy the DSN, as you’ll need it for environment variables.
API Setup
Copy yarn add @sentry/nestjs @sentry/profiling-node
Setup enviroment variables
Copy SENTRY_DNS=your_dsn
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT=your_enviroment # 'development', 'production', etc.
Copy SENTRY_DNS: process.env.SENTRY_DNS,
In Sentry initialization file, you can set up Sentry with tracing and profiling, along with advanced configuration options to manage error handling more effectively.
Copy import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nestjs' ;
import { nodeProfilingIntegration } from '@sentry/profiling-node' ;
import constants from './constants' ;
import { httpIntegration } from '@sentry/nestjs' ;
Sentry .init ({
dsn : constants . SENTRY_DNS ,
environment : constants . SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT ,
includeLocalVariables : true ,
integrations : [ nodeProfilingIntegration () , httpIntegration ()] ,
tracesSampleRate : 0.1 ,
profilesSampleRate : 0.1 ,
beforeSend (event , hint) {
const error = hint ?.originalException;
if (error && typeof error === 'object' && 'status' in error) {
const statusCode = (error as any ).status;
if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500 ) {
// Do not send 4xx errors to Sentry
return null ;
return event;
} ,
The Sentry filter allows you to add context to each error, making debugging more insightful by providing request details and user information without exposing sensitive data.
Copy import { Catch , ArgumentsHost } from '@nestjs/common' ;
import { BaseExceptionFilter } from '@nestjs/core' ;
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node' ;
@ Catch ()
export class SentryFilter extends BaseExceptionFilter {
catch (exception : unknown , host : ArgumentsHost ) {
const ctx = host .switchToHttp ();
const request = ctx .getRequest < Request >();
Sentry .withScope (scope => {
const headers = { ... request .headers };
delete headers[ 'authorization' ]; // Remove Authorization token
scope .setExtras ({
method : request .method ,
url : request .url ,
headers : headers ,
user : request[ 'user' ]
? {
email : request[ 'user' ]?.email ,
roles : request[ 'user' ]?.roles ,
teamId : request[ 'user' ]?.teamId ,
: null ,
Sentry .captureException (exception);
super.catch (exception , host);
In your main application module, register the Sentry filter globally.
Copy providers : [
provide : APP_FILTER ,
useClass : SentryGlobalFilter ,
} ,
] ,
After completing this steps you should be able to create test endopoint and catch your first error.
Copy @ Get ( "/debug-sentry" )
getError () {
throw new Error ( "My first Sentry error!" );